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Item #: SCP-9562

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9562 Cannot be contained and therefor is object class, Keter. SCP-9562 Has been tested on being contained by other means, one of these means are RU-TERRUNTS, this mean is containing SCP-9562 by mind wiping patients treated with SCP-9562 with the means of amnestics. RU-TERRUNTS has not worked as patients who have been mind wiped usually catch SCP-9562 one week after the amnestics kicked in. The second mean is to mind control the patient by using the technique named ███-██ which can control the patients to thinking that


███-██ In working condition.

SCP-9562 is not something that they are currently thinking about even though the patients have.

███-██ has not worked yet but the technique is still being tested, the technique is holding on by a machine. The machine is deemed the XMind-RAY22 that is wireless and does not need any batteries as the machine is powered by 2 electric powered fans. The machine is painted with a white plastic stainless proof paint, there is lens at the front so you can spectate from metres away. There is an electric ray gun that connects the patient and the person controlling the machine. The person who controls the machine can change the patients mind and thoughts on SCP-9562.

Description: SCP-9562 Is a feeling, a feeling that has been described as emptiness and hollowness. The feeling can transfer towards any organism, these include: Animals, Humans and Insects.

SCP-9562 Cannot be stopped and any species could get it, even other SCP's which means the SCP is very dangerous because of this. SCP-9562 Cannot be transferred like a virus though, you do not have to make contact to spread it. It spreads randomly, it could happen any time and thats why the SCP foundation is scared of what can happen if this SCP could start changing into something more lethal..

There has been a number of logs on SCP-9562 and some of the stories it tells, there are 2 logs that have recorded SCP-9562 related incidents. The logs will be stored here:
