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NAME: SCP-13470 ("Diamanten Doos")



SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-13470 is to be contained within a standard object containment chamber at Site-98. No personnel regardless of level are not permitted for entering SCP-13470 unless a standardized hazmat suit is provided. (NOTE: After Addendum 3, personnel are no longer allowed inside of SCP-13470's containment chamber regardless of protective devices.) Personnel exposed to SCP-13470's effects are to be transported to Site-306's 'Memetic / Poison deflection center' and are to be terminated within 12 hours of exposure. If personnel exposed to SCP-13470's are not terminated within a 12 hour timeframe, personnel within containment zone of SCP-13470 are to be extracted for local decontamination to begin and protocol-14B is to be initiated. Upon initial turning, personnel are considered SCP-13470-03 instances, however, after 3 hours personnel are now announced SCP-13470-02 instances. After Addendum-03 SCPs consisting of Concrete or Rebar, are no longer permitted to be cross tested with SCP-13470 unless permitted by personnel with level 4+ clearance.

Protocol-14B is a Site Wide initiation protocol if SCP-13470-02 instances are not terminated within a 12 hour timeframe. Said protocol instructs all Personnel within containment zone of SCP-13470 to leave to towards a higher zone such as the Heavy, Light or Entrance zone. If personnel are unable to leave said containment zone, they are to be considered liabilities and terminated after decontamination begins. When decontamination begins personnel within Site-304 are instructed to continue out regular facility operation for a 24 hour timeframe. When decontamination is completed MTF Sealad-23 (DoorBreakers) are instructed to enter said containment zone and terminate all SCP-13470-03 substances. When MTF Sealad-23 is successful in operation all facility personnel are permitted to enter said containment zone again. However, if MTF Sealad-23 is unsuccessful in the operation Security personnel onsite are to extract alive Sealad-23 operatives to [DATA REDACTED] meeting point. Site-304 is then to be considered fully breached and further breach logs will be under foundation command.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-13470 is an 'attractive' diamond, which similar to SCP-012's effects can attract users towards it, however, this ability seems limited only being able to attract people unaware of its effects, however, if personnel touch SCP-13470 the effects are considered exact to one's who are attracted to it. Many personnel recorded being alone inside of SCP-13470's chamber have been recorded to have an increased risk to cancer than other personnel. However, if personnel are located inside of SCP-13470 containment chamber for more than 2 hours have been noticed to become SCP-13470-03 substances. SCP-13470 also appears to have the ability to possibly burn or use acid to terminate subjects that are immune to its effects or can't be turned into an SCP-13470-03 or 02 substance.


Incident-13470-01 occurred on the early morning of ████, █, 2008, after Doctor ████ had recently attempted to escape from his holding cell at hallway 2/██. Doctor █████ had escaped from his Class-E holding cell and escaped Guards until reaching SCP-13470's containment chamber. Doctor █████ unaware of SCP-13470's abilities proceeded to enter SCP-13470's containment chamber. After 16 minutes Doctor █████ was located at Cafeteria 1-B in the LCZ with 4 other SCP-13470-03 substances by Janitor Callson Greggor. Janitor Callson Gregor was then ██████ and ████ by the SCP-13470-03 instances, thus becoming an SCP-13470-03 instance himself. After 3 hours, Mobile Task Force personnel arrived, however, upon arrival to Hallway █/██ 16 SCP-13470-02 and 4 SCP-13470-03 instances were located. All SCP-13470-02 and SCP-13470-03 instances were terminated.

TIME CONSUMED: 4 hour(s) and 41 minute(s)


Incident-13470-02 occurred on █/█/████ after ██ Chaos Insurgency attacked Site-306, killing 63 Site Guards, 104 Rsch Personnel and 30 misc personnel. Chaos Insurgents walked into SCP-13470's containment chamber, then proceeding to force Doctor ██████ to wear SCP-13470. Doctor █████ then proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED] 8 Chaos insurgents. Chaos Insurgency then retreated after 12 more men were [DATA EXPUNGED]. When MTF Nu-7 arrived SCP-13470 had effected over 210 personnel and Chaos Insurgents. Nu-7 dispatched most SCP-13470 instances, however, unlikely, Commander ███████ was caught off-guard by 4 SCP-13470-02 instances. Commander ███████ was then terminated by Nu-7 personnel. Containment was restored of SCP-13470 by using a crate.

TIME CONSUMED: 8 hour(s) and 52 minute(s)

ADDENDUM 3 - SCP-13470 vs SCP 173-41


D-8612, D-71482 and D-5418 are instructed to place SCP-13470 into SCP-173-41's containment chamber. After placing SCP-13470 into SCP-173-41, they are instructed then to place the diamond onto SCP-173-41's right arm. After doing so they are returned to their cells. Contact is lost with SCP-173-41 for 10 minutes after-which camera feed is resumed. SCP-173-41's right arm appears to be gone, however, a black puddle appears on the floor. Dr. ██████ instructs Security personnel to take SCP-13470 out of SCP-173-41's chamber and back to its own locker. After 23 hours and 50 minutes SCP-173-41 appears to have been consumed or completely disintegrated by SCP-13470.

TIME CONSUMED: 24 hour(s) and 12 minute(s)


Incident-13470-03 occurred after SCP-███ (██ ███████ ████████) had been breached by Chaos Insurgent personnel, Doctor ███ was quick to respond, however, threw SCP-13470 at Chaos Insurgency in the Light Containment Zone. All of which started fighting for SCP-13470. All Chaos insurgents were noted SCP-13470-03 and a couple SCP-13470-02 instances. MTF Omni-11 arrived and terminated all SCP-13470-02 and 03 substances.

TIME CONSUMED: 14 hour(s) and 16 minute(s)



D-9346 was instructed to enter SCP-████ into a portable computer at Site-306's testing room. After D-9346 typed in SCP-████'s name, he was instructed to hastily put SCP-13470 on. D-9346 now an SCP-13470-03 substance was taken by SCP-████ into [DATA EXPUNGED]. After over 2 hours both D-9346's body and SCP-13470 were seen in SCP-███'s containment chamber at Site-██.

Doctor ██████ can be seen entering the room connected to the testing chamber. (Doctor ██████ will now be referred to as Dr) Dr instructs D-9346 to enter SCP-████ into the computer. D-9346 groans and can be seen typing it into the computer. Immediately after typing it in, Dr instructs D-9346 to wear SCP-13470. In which D-9346 complies. Camera feed is lost for 8 minutes (due to SCP-████'s effects) and D-9346 is no longer visible.

TIME CONSUMED: 4 hour(s) and 5 minute(s)

ADDENDUM 6 - SCP-13470 vs SCP-106


SCP-13470 seemed to 'injure' SCP-106 after SCP-106 touched it. However, no long lasting effects occurred.

TIME CONSUMED: 1 hour(s) and 26 minute(s)

ADDENDUM 7 - SCP-13470 vs SCP-682


Results appear inconclusive, no major damage to SCP-13470 or SCP-682 occurred. However, during testing SCP-682 ███████ ██ █████ ███ █████ ███ █████ ███████ █████ ███ ██████ SCP-13470 █████ ██. ██████ ████ ███ ███ █████████ ██████ ████ ██ ███ ████ █████ ███ ███████ ████.

TIME CONSUMED: 1 hour and 26 minutes

ADDENDUM 8 - SCP-13470 vs SCP-███


SCP-███ was injured after touching SCP-13470 similar effects occurred as when SCP-173-41 was tested. However, SCP-13470 also appeared to cause SCP-███ to start attacking personnel at Site-██ only stopping after MTF unit Omni-11 managed to ███ SCP-███'s head covering it. SCP-███ was then moved back to its containment chamber. After a 21 hour time period SCP-███ did not experience effects that SCP-173-41 had.

TIME CONSUMED: 24 hour(s) and 43 minute(s)

NAME: SCP-13470-02



SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Personnel under clearance level 5 are to be terminated upon becoming an SCP-13470-02 instance.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-13470-02 is a zombified being of unknown origins, except relating to SCP-13470. SCP-13470-02 always carry scars on the right ear of themselves. However, after death, said scar removes without trace. Leading personnel to believe that it is relative to SCP-13470.

NAME: SCP-13470-03



SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-13470-02 substances are to be contained and placed within a research chamber in ███████-██-█ and after a 3 hour time period are to be terminated with chemically enhanced radiological standard burning enhancing chemical radiation burning equipment.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-13470-02 is a being looking similar to homosapians, however, has severe deformities on its lower body.
