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Item#: SCP-10000

Object Class: Keter 


SCP-10000 in its containment chamber.

Special Containment Procedures:[]

SCP 10000 is to be contained in a 50x50 cage with diamond walls and a minimum of 10 agents must be present at all times except during testing. All instances of SCP 10000-2 must be terminated. 3 agents must guard the containment entrance and the entrance must have heavy security when no testing is being performed.


SCP 10000 is a Porsche 917PA Spyder that has been observed to have a hatred towards humanity. The Porsche is believed to be a sentient car, that anyone that comes 5 feet from it, mind control happens, and the victim’s brain ceases for an unknown reason. They will start to turn into SCP-10000-2. SCP-10000-2 is a fleshy version of SCP-10010, that likes to try escape containment instead of mind control of destroying the brain of a victim.

Below is an test log with D-43345724 and SCP-10000

Begin Log:
D-43345724 meets SCP-10000

D-43345724 is instructed to enter the chamber and enter the enclosed room.

Subject: Who do you think you are. SERIOUSLY, A PORSCHE!?

SCP 10000: No.

SCP 10000: You're already dead.
You died when you walked in.

Result: Subject was terminated for unknown reasons by SCP 10000, then turned into 10000-2 instance. instance was terminated immediately under procedure. SCP given class Keter. 
End Log.

It has been observed to kill any personnel who come close to it and has been proven to be sentient and hostile. It turns any humans it kills into SCP-10000-2, a fleshy version of itself. These need to be terminated immediately under procedure or else there will be consequences.
